CBC 52 Secrets

Each week I'll use the concepts of the lesson to provide examples of employee behavior or attitude; one good, one needing improvement. The needing improvement example will be associated with "Tak" and the good example will be associated with "Tik". This will be a regular feature of our weekly blog. I invite you also to add some examples of behaviors or attitudes that might exemplify Tik and Tak that week. If you would prefer, you may submit these anonymously.

Nov 3 Week 6: Love Your Job - Or Leave It.

Did any of you think that this week’s lesson was a bit harsh? “If you don’t like your job, don’t waste your own (and everyone else’s) time.” Is that really what we should be saying?

Actually, the answer is probably yes. I agree with Bonnie Cox that people who don’t like their jobs, tear down the companies they work for, become less concerned with their own performance, and exude negativity. Customers sense it and so do co-workers. When that happens, it would be much healthier for the individual to acknowledge that s/he dislikes his/her job and begins to plan an alternative. Scary, isn’t it? That’s why people stay in jobs they do not like. Even if they dread coming to work every day, at least it is a known commodity. And, they are at least getting a steady paycheck. And, lastly, there are no guarantees that a change will be better. (As we learned from our 1st lesson, sometimes the problem is with the employee’s attitude, not with the company s/he might be working for.) Nevertheless, a change in job functions and in environment can be a very good thing.

I really and truly can’t imagine what it would be like to come to work every day and disliking what I do or whom I work with. I could do if for a short period of time while I honed my skills and made some inquiries about other jobs, but to dislike my job for years on end? Life is just too short for that. So, as Bonnie Cox suggests, change your attitude or change your job and bring some joy back into your life.

TAK LIKES JACK. Tak doesn't like his boss. He is always chews his booses slippers whenever he leaves the house because he is resentful that his boss doesn't give hmi the attention he feels he deserves. Tak likes the neighbor Jack. Jack is always jogging. Tak is always thinking to himself... why doesn't my boss jog. I wish my boss jogged like Jack. Then I would be one happy dog.

TIC KNEW HOW TO PICK. Tik was unhappy because he was a country dog and his boss lived in the city. Tic got on the internet and found a dog swapping program that gave him a chance to move to the country. Tic found happiness in his new country home.

Oct 27th Week 5: Think Like a Business Owner

Walk a day in my shoes… Have you ever wanted someone to understand just an inkling of what you do every day? Have you thought that if they just did your job for a few days, they’d have a greater appreciation for what you do?

This particular lesson asked us to think like a business owner. While it may be difficult to think of CBC as a business, it is. We struggle through the same ups and downs as other businesses. Our funding from the state is totally driven by our FTEs so it is highly affected by how well we recruit students and retain them. I can assure you that upper level administration is keenly aware of our numbers and understands very well that how we present ourselves to prospective and current students, parents, high school staff, and employers has a major effect on our FTEs. Each of us shares in the responsibility of presenting a positive image of CBC.

I also challenge you to walk a mile in your supervisor’s and other Student Services administrators’ shoes. We, too, are faced with difficulties in our work and with not only the normal stresses of work but with the extra responsibilities and expectations of our positions. Recognize that tough decisions sometimes must be made and that we work hard to balance your interests and the needs of the College. And just as I’ve asked each of you to let your fellow staff members know that you appreciate the work they do, don’t forget to say thank you to your supervisors and other administrators for their efforts. It will be greatly appreciated.
Take a moment to evaluate situations through managements eyes.

After considerable thought and analysis, the office supervisor decided to change a particular office procedure that had been around for a number of years. In the supervisor’s view, the procedure was cumbersome and required students to jump through too many hoops. The procedure had become a barrier to students rather than a help. When the supervisor asked the department staff to consider how they might address the change, Tak could hardly contain herself. “Why is it that we always cut students slack but not our own staff?” Explanation from the supervisor about the reasons for the change did not appease Tak and, when the change went into effect the next quarter, Tak begrudgingly followed orders.

Tik also was a little concerned when the supervisor announced the change. She remembered that something like this had been tried before and wasn’t particularly successful. But, she reasoned that it was a number of years ago and now the department had different personnel, served a different demographic, and had more support from administration. Nonetheless, she was apprehensive about the change. She made an appointment with the supervisor to better understand what the factors were that led to the supervisor’s decision. In the process, she learned more about the workings of the college and she took an active role in not only implementing the change but in gathering data to assess its impact.

Oct 20th Week 4: Guard Your Own Self-Image

“I love you, and I accept you just the way you are.” Did you say that to yourself, out loud, at least once this past week? And I specifically said, out loud, because when we articulate an affirmation, it has much more impact when we hear it. So, SAY IT LOUD AND SAY IT PROUD!

If you did not say the sentence to yourself at least once last week, you let slip a perfect opportunity to congratulate yourself on the wonderful person you are. Even with our faults – and let’s face it, we all have them – we are each unique and worthwhile individuals. Do you recall that commercial when Sybil Shepherd says, “Loreal…because I’m worth it!” Now that’s a person with healthy self-esteem!

Self-defeating behavior often starts with defeating self-talk. When you don’t believe in yourself, it is hard for others to believe in you. Self-doubt and negativity drains those around you. I used to be a lifeguard and the hardest rescue I ever made was when the person I was trying to bring into shore kept fighting me because he was scared. Well, it’s hard to help someone stay afloat in the workplace when that person’s lack of self-worth drags themselves and everyone around them down. However, we can help to bolster someone’s ego. What might you do to help someone begin to think more positively about him/herself?

TAK LIKES TO SELF ATTACK. Tak is always focusing on his errors and things he needs to fix. Look at my hair... My nails are to long... Hey everybody I forgot to fetch the paper again; I'm so forgetful. I'M A BAD DOG! His comments about himself are continuous reminders to the other dogs. The comments always seem to focus on Tak's poor qualities. All the dogs know--Tak is a BAD DOG.

TIC IS SLICK. Tik stays focused on his abilities. He always rewards himself for small accomplishments. This builds his self esteam. When Tik makes a mistake, he doesn't focus on it. He'll recognize it-resolve it, if possible, and move on to the next task. Tic can always find something at the end of the day that he has done well. "Put another one in the basket for old Tik" he always says to himself.